Monday 22 October 2012

First Impressions Of Shylock

Shylock was a cruel man who hated Christians a lot. He was only interested in doing business with the Christians, not eat with them, celebrate with them or become good friends. Shylock gives a harsh condition to Antonio saying that if Antonio does not return the money back, he will have to give a pound of flesh to Shylock. Shylock gave this condition because he wanted to take revenge against the Christian, Antonio.

I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you,
Walk with you, and so following.
But I will not eat with you, drink with you,
Nor pray with you.

This dialogue tells us how Shylock wants to be with Christians and how he wants them to behave with him. Shylock was a man who hated Christians as said before,that meant he was never social with the Christians.He only talked with them for economical and financial reasons and nothing more. He loved money more than anything else and was very greedy for it.When Antonio came for a loan,Shylock was excited,and to make sure he got his money back,he threatened Antonio to take one pound of flesh.Shylock expressed how fast he needed the money indirectly.

Shylock, In The Merchant Of  Venice   

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